A tool for brute-forcing Bitcoin private keys. The main purpose of this project is to contribute to the effort of solving the Bitcoin puzzles.
A Puzzle with 160 addresses that become increasingly difficult to crack.
GitHub: https://github.com/brichard19/BitCrack
Tool for hunt privatekeys for crypto currencies that use secp256k1 elliptic curve
Work for Bitcoin address compress or uncompress hashes rmd160 compress or uncompress publickeys compress or uncompress Work for Ethereumaddress
GitHub: https://github.com/albertobsd/keyhunt
Brain Wallets Conversion. Mnemonic Words. Balance Checker. Mutliple Crypto Scanner Look for Bitcoin Using iceland2k14 secp256k1
Telegram and Discord reporting. Conversion Tools DEC, HEX, WIF. Auto Bloomfilter Updater. Music Player Snake and Tetris game.
GitHub: https://github.com/Mizogg
This Python application, named "Team Hunter GUI," provides a user-friendly interface for various cryptocurrency-related tools and functions.
Users can access tools for Bitcoin-related operations, including BitCrack, KeyHunt, Iceland2k14 Secp256k1, and conversion tools..
The application supports both dark and light themes and offers a convenient way to switch between them.
It also features a 16x16 grid tool, a range division tool in hexadecimal format, and allows users to open external websites.
Microsoft Build Tools. https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/#build-tools-for-visual-studio-2019 Python 3.11 https://www.python.org/downloads/ New version 0.8 has sound in it. If your device or server does not have a sound card. The Program opens it closes with error. I have found a fix for this to install a virtual sound card, and the sound even works over RDP. The program for information is https://vb-audio.com/Cable/index.htm
Features, Bitcrack, Keyhunt, Iceland2k14 Secp256k1, Miz Mnemonic, Brain Hunter, BTC Snake Game, Art Work, CAL,16x16 Grid and Much more
Team hunters Telegram members
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